Kennedy Mutuku


Kennedy Mutuku

Doctor of Bioscience Engineering- Socioeconomics


Thesis Title

Adoption and Dis-Adoption of Sorghum among Smallholder Farmers in the Lake Victoria Region of Kenya.


Kennedy Vaati Mutuku is a Doctoral of Bio Science Engineering – Socioeconomics student in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Bio-Science Engineering at Ghent University. He belongs to the research group Institutional, Socio-economic, and Political Issues in Rural and Urban Areas (INSPIRA). Kennedy’s research focuses on the adoption and disadoption of sorghum in the Lake Victoria Region of Kenya. Kennedy is a Tutorial Fellow in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, School of Agricultural and Food Sciences of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management (JOOUST) and a Master of Science in Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture from the African Center of Excellence in the use of Insects as Food and Feed (ACE-INSEFOODS, JOOUST).


Flemish University

Ghent University

Promotors / Supervisor

Kenyan:  Dr. Mary Orinda  
Flemish: Prof. Marijke Dhaese  

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